These two cuts were placed next to each other on a mix tape of classic stuff from KISW’s vault given to me in 1992 by Rockfish, a super cool KISW dj from the era.
Category Archives: Pearl Jam
Cameron Crowe “Singles” interview for PULSE! and Rock Power
Click to listen to the actual interview, conducted by phone in the summer of 1992.
Rock Power was published out of London in the early 90s, translated into ten languages and distributed globally.

SINGLES, a movie set in Seattle starring Matt Dillon and directed by Cameron Crowe (husband of Heart’s Nancy Wilson), brings to the silver screen the sounds of Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and more! MICHAEL BROWNING meets the director of what may go down in history as Grunge -The Movie…
MAKE SURE EVERYBODY KNOWS we did this movie a year and a half ago,” Cameron Crowe, writer and director of Singles, emphasises. The irony is that all this stuff, which is the music I was listening to, or the music we love, has become very commercial. So it was a good investment for Epic, but still nobody’s getting rich off of this.”
Then again, you couldn’t really call it a losing proposition either, now could you?
In fact, in advance of the movie’s release, most involved are probably hoping the film itself makes as big a splash as the soundtrack {out since midsummer) already has. Heralded as a quintessential composite of Seattle tastes, if not the entire sound, the ‘Singles’ LP contains ten cuts from the city’s creme de la creme, as well as three songs from non-residents that still manage to embody the region’s musical vibe. Which, for the clueless, all boils down to honesty. Crowe, former editor at Rolling Stone magazine and screenplay writer of Fast Times At Ridgemont High, The Wildlife, Say Anything and Singles (also directing the last two), recognises the value of honesty in music and shows his appreciation of honesty (and loud guitars) by liberally adding his favourite artists to his movie making formula. “I love guitar. I love hard, guitar-oriented rock, and in the middle ’80s there was all this synth-pop garbage everywhere and I just found that guitar was still alive in the Northwest.” 1990’s Say Anything had both Mother Love Bone and Soundgarden in it and this year he’s upped the Seattle ante by including music from Alice In Chains, Screaming Trees, Mudhoney, Chris Cornell, Jimi Hendrix, Pearl Jam and, perhaps the most intriguing addition, The Lovemongers, a hometown side project of Heart’s Ann and Nancy Wilson. With that list, you could easily think that the movie is about the Seattle scene itself. It’s not.
While Matt Dillon does play the singer/songwriter of fictitious band Citizen Dick, Crowe likens the film to Woody Allen’s Manhattan where intense personal relations (a new direction for Allen) are played out against a colourful, cultured backdrop. With the Washington metropolis as the stage, Singles is about how six young lives intertwine within the building in which they live.
“Pearl Jam plays Matt’s band in the movie so that’s how the rumour got started that it is a movie about the Seattle scene.”
So how did Crowe come up with the idea a couple of years back to do a film in the now globally acclaimed climate of Puget Sound?
“Nancy (Wilson – she and Crowe are now married) gave me someone to visit up here, but I always loved the area. I first came here in 74, writing a story on Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young; I was 17 at the time. I really loved it up here and I just love music, so it was kind of a natural thing to get hooked into some of these bands.”
Now wait a minute: Smashing Pumpkins and Paul Westerberg (of The Replacements fame) aren’t from Seattle. What’s with that?
“The incongruities serve to show that we’re not in the business of selling Seattle music. (Sub Pop’s) Bruce (Pavitt) and John (Poneman) have done an amazing job with their samplers and the truth is, this is just the music that I love and that worked in the movie.”
The rest of that truth is these artists have a kind of soul connection to the Northwest. Firstly, Seattlites seem to dig all things Butch Vig (the Pumpkins’ producer, and Nirvana’s as well) and “Paul Westerberg really is the spirit of the movie. Paul was one of the first guys to have pretty melodies built into hard, thrashing rock and punk attitude.”
Westerberg also got the job of scoring the film, with some incidental guitar work from Chris Cornell. You may have noticed that this is the first solo work ever released by Cornell, although the deeply personal Temple Of The Dog LP comes close This was no easy feat for Crowe “I don’t want to start a thing with A&M (Soundgarden’s label), but they have fought putting music in stuff I’ve written for years and I don’t know why. They had the Soundgarden music from Louder Than Love pulled out of Say Anything, so we used stuff from Ultramega OK!, a Sub Pop label Soundgarden release. They’ve had a nasty attitude towards us whenever we’ve wanted to use some of their music, and the truth is only with great jockeying from Susan Silver (Soundgarden’s manager) and Chris Cornell were we able to get a new Soundgarden song and Chris solo in this movie.”
In all, Crowe and co-producer Danny Bramson have compiled a collection of songs that truly captures the essence of Singles. Effectively sidestepping his idea of the current trend in soundtracks, which for him is like,
“What is this? is this some tangential sampler that has ‘something’ to do with the movie? Cos it’s not a soundtrack. It’s weird, the soundtrack has turned into a really crass marketing tool.”
Although there’s a ton of other music from John Coltrane to REM in the movie, every song is prominently used in the film. Most importantly, they deserve to be on the soundtrack and they effectively conjure up the appropriate images. This soundtrack exactly fulfills the aim of the director.
And hopefully it fulfills the listener as well.
Dr. Unknown, Red Platinum: Hot Flashes [City Heat – May 1992]
dr. Unknown and Red Platinum
Tonight I saw a groovy, sparsely attended show, and I’m not too shit-faced so I guess I’ll tell you about it.
I must’ve gotten to Pike Place Market’s Colourbox just after the opening band finished ’cause the Pearl Jam CD was playing and it seemed almost over (read: ungodly long break) by the time dr. Unknown took the tiny stage. New guitarist Matt Fox (from Bitter End) and vocalist Jeff Carrell were riffin’ into some tasty breaks while bassist Derek Peace joined them for some hair flying frenzy. Cool songs I caught titles on were Misery and Come Down To Love. I didn’t catch the name of a jazzy little number that truly blew socks.
News from the front is that they’ve accepted an offer and the deal’s in that red tape stage before they can actually announce the signing. Congrats guys.
Next up was an electrified set by Red Platinum. Almost 1:00 by the time they kicked in, they apparently had some serious voltage surging through their equipment as guitarist Eric Wunderlich commented, “Nothing like a little 110 to liven up a performance!” And lively it was, by the time they started the second tune, Doug, his hair looked like someone had rubbed him with a balloon.
They played the best older stuff like Shovin’, and some nifty new ones, Don’t Take It Away and Mother Nature. They probably saved the best new material for last but it was well past my bedtime so I snuck my ass out of the Central/Satyricon shaped club.
Walking to my car I flashed a ‘peace’ to Matt Fox as he turned the corner in front of me, then silently wished him luck as one of Seattle’s finest filed into traffic behind him.
Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Nirvana: Hot Flashes [City Heat – October 1991]
SOS: Sounds of Seattle [City Heat – April 1991]
The infamous “Seattle Sound”. The term itself is sinking…don’t go down with the ship.
City Heat is sending out an S.O.S.
While planning the April issue it was decided amongst our staff that we didn’t want to play favorites by featuring an unsigned band on the cover. So we thought it would be safe running with a recorded band signed to a major.
We had a couple of ideas going and then senior writer Shay McGraw had a flash of powerful insight. What if we presented a forum for the widely diversified Seattle bands to voice some opinions about the term, “Seattle Sound”?
What is it?
Why is it?
Is the term still relevant?
Was it ever?
What we came up with is an interesting collage of bands and an interesting collage of opinions.
We have accumulated here those opinions from the voices of Seattle, presenting them to you now as the Sounds of Seattle.
We asked each of the groups we interviewed to first describe their sound, whether they considered themselves part of the “Seattle Sound” and finally, if currently, the term “Seattle Sound” is more descriptive of a musical style or an attitude shared amongst musicians in the city?
- Describe your musical sound.
- Do you consider yourselves part of the “Seattle Sound”?
- When you hear the term “Seattle Sound” does it more aptly describe a particular musical style or an attitude shared amongst the city’s musical tribe?
They replied:
Red Platinum
“Very upbeat, very energetic, but yet very heavy. We have a very funky bottom end, so to speak. We try to utilize some finesse and dynamics in our music. As compared to other bands, we’d be a hard one to pigeon hole. It’s pocket rock. It’s rock and roll with a groove.”
“Yeah, I’d say we’re part of the Seattle Sound because we’re doing something of our own. We’re original, you know? I believe the Seattle Sound is whatever anybody in Seattle is doing that’s different than anybody else in the country. You have bands like Soundgarden and Chains and Mudhoney which originally were considered the Seattle Sound, but I believe there are a lot of bands who consist of the Seattle Sound because everybody does their own thing and they don’t worry about what the next guy’s doing, you know? They just play their music. When somebody creates something [personal] it just makes everybody else more into what they’re doing because they realize that, originality pays up here.”
“It’s more of an attitude than a musical style. It originally started out as a musical style, don’t get me wrong, but I believe it’s evolved into an attitude because everybody just does their own thing. It’s unbarred rock and roll. It’s not censored. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, you can play in any club and do whatever you want because you are in Seattle and that’s what it’s about. It’s not being pigeon holed or stuck in one thing or cliche, you can basically just rip and do what you do, there is always going to be an audience and nobody’s going to care what you’re doing because that’s just the attitude, you know? Seattle is kind of like ‘Free For All’!”
Joe Superfisky – Guitar, Vocals
Bitter End
“Fast, hard, loud, brutal, thoughtful, high energy. Fusion of classic heavy metal and speed metal.”
“In as much as that we live and work and play here, yes. There are so many different components of the Seattle Sound, so many different bands. I refuse to lump a lot of bands together [stylistically] due to geography or something. But [stylistically] no, we sound like a heavy metal band. We don’t sound like we’re from anywhere [in particular].
“Kind of both. Seattle bands, for the most part, have a Seattle attitude which is that most people [here] want to have their own kind of sound. Also, there’s a level of cooperation that’s not necessarily there in the larger markets. We fall into the Seattle attitude although [ours is] not necessarily a stereotypical Seattle Sound.”
Matt Fox – Lead Vocals, Guitar
Pistol Moon
“It’s versatile, raw, funky, original, trashy rock. Everybody writes and everybody cuts their own style that’s unique. So it’s a really good unit.”
“I would say so. We’ve got a lot of sounds that seem to be influenced by what is going on right now and that are really grassroots and I think we fit right in with what’s happening today.”
“I suppose it’s both and the style I think was influenced from the 60’s movement; peace, paisley, freedom and everything. And the attitude’s that of ‘do what you feel, don’t sell out and just have fun and relaxxx’. I think that had something to do with it.”
Rick Hopkins – Lead Guitar
Kristen Barry
“I guess it would be categorized as pop rock, but it’s not really like typical pop rock. It’s not straightforward rock. I guess people call it alternative, that’s what the record companies have classified it as, even if I don’t think it is all that alternative. I get a lot of my influence from the old jazz and blues singers. It’s more mainstream than a lot of stuff out there. It’s like accessible alternative, I guess you can say.”
“Actually, probably not. I don’t think so.”
“Well I’m having a hard time with that one right now because the Seattle Sound doesn’t mean, like, one thing anymore. It used to mean predominantly that grunge kind of thing but I think it is growing. What used to be called the Seattle Sound I think is still a major part but now there is a lot more beyond that too. A lot of different styles are coming out again. Some of the attitude of the region definitely contributes to the music because I think this region is really individualistic and the people up here are really artistic with their music. I think it’s expanding so the term doesn’t even fit any more. That was a term for two years ago. It’s outdated and I think it’s time for people to start looking at what that spawned. So let’s move on and find another term, shall we?
Kristen Barry – Vocalist
Paisley Sin
“I’d consider it traditional rock in the true sense of the phrase because it varies a little bit, but it all is rock and roll. Like if you listen to an old Zeppelin or Stones album the music will vary quite a bit. The feeling of each song is totally different from song to song. I think that we are kind of like that in a lot of ways. Most other bands have a style and a lot of their stuff is really similar. We’ve heard some people say that it’s what they call ‘lack of focus’ in the music industry now days. I consider it just playing what feels right. There was a guy in Vancouver at the Club Soda who said that all Seattle bands sound the same. I think that is absolute bullshit. I don’t think that all Seattle bands sound the same, at all.”
“In some cases, yes, and in some cases, no. It’s a really hard question because I think that our music could have been made in Cleveland or Chicago or Portland but probably not in Canada or L.A.”
“It’s a lot more, we’re not playing, not pushing one thing. Or one sound.”
Robert Middleton – Drums
Love Brother Nine
“Paranoid, neo-hippy dark funk is basically what we are. Another superego primadonna with delusions of paranoia. It’s kind of groovy dark funk stuff. It’s pretty heavy.”
“Considering we have a sound and we’re from Seattle. Yeah! But definitely we are no Soundgarden wannabes or anything like that. We’ve got our own sound. It’s heavy and raw which I guess is the trademark for Seattle.”
“I’d say it’s a style of music that comes from a desperate attitude. Rain and no money.”
Tony – Vocals
Reckless X
“Well, it’s a mixture of rock, funk and folk, pretty much. Did you want me to use one word describing it? It’s just diverse.”
Davis Chastain – Vocals, Bass
“I think the Seattle Sound has a distinctive grunge flavor to it that I think we, at the most, occasionally brush across. Bands that recently have made some commotion, there is a grunge there, and I don’t think we have that.”
“We’re part of the Seattle Sound because we’re from Seattle but we’re not a SubPop band. I think that the Seattle Sound is a lot broader than they portray it.”
“It depends on what you categorize the Seattle Sound as being. I would say yes, just in the sense that we’re striving to be the most unique that we can be.”
Mark Bushbeck – Guitar
Davis Chastain – Vocals, Bass
Duff Drew – Drums
“I would say that it’s probably a combination of both. It’s the way you play your instrument and it’s possibly the style of music that you are trying to emulate or create. It’s definitely a tone or tempo range in a sense, but it’s also an attitude. It’s the way you shake your head to something. It’s the way something dirges along. It’s also the way something comes together.”
“The Seattle Sound started with who? I mean with Jimi or with The Sonics or with Ann and Nancy or who? The [true] Seattle Sound is just progressively original music no matter what style you’re into.”
Duff Drew – Drums (previously of seminal My Eye)
(Laughter) “I don’t know, I think that the music we make is kind of an expression of a lot of our inner anger about what is going on today (and our next record is going to be very angry). Yet, serene at the same time. Serenity and anger, that’s how I would describe it.”
“No. I don’t believe in the Seattle Sound myself. I understand what [people think] it is, but no, we don’t consider ourselves any part of it.”
“I think it’s a combination of both of those.”
Warrell Dane – Lead Vocals
Metal Church
“It’s probably a thinking man’s metal, I guess. I wouldn’t really call it death metal, although some of our songs’ve had some gloomy moods to them, it’s only because that’s what we felt at the time. I can’t really [over] classify it because it’s just kind of metal to me.”
“I’m not really clear as to what the Seattle Sound is. I think that we definitely are a Seattle band, whether we are from Kent or Aberdeen, but I’m not really sure how we would fit into that because we don’t sound like anybody else around here.”
“I’m not sure to tell you the truth, just because I don’t know exactly what it is. I think some people get called that because they are the bands that the inner-city people like them and they term their friends in bands the Seattle Sound. I’m not sure.”
Craig Wells – Guitar
My Sister’s Machine
“The official term I guess we have been stuck using is alternative hard rock. Alternative, I guess, because it’s not your ‘normal’ approach, what we do.”
“Tough one. Basically yes, but I would say it’s not really a Seattle Sound. I would like to rephrase that to more like a Seattle attitude.”
“It’s both actually. The original Seattle Sound that people were talking about was most exemplified by bands like Soundgarden, Nirvana, Mudhoney and probably Green River. That’s where the real Seattle Sound thing came from but now I would call it a Seattle attitude because, loosely put, I still feel that The Posies have the Seattle Sound. The Accused have the Seattle Sound. I say that now because even The Posies, for instance, are not cliché pop. Not your ‘normal’ pop. It’s still got that Seattle feel to it – Seattle attitude. They are taking a different angle towards what they are doing. Whether it’s The Accused or anything like that, the attitude, the approach they are taking at whatever they write, whether it’s pop, grunge or garage, it’s still a little bit of a different angle than other bands [elsewhere] that are doing [the same genre]. I think that’s why the labels still think there is some promise in acts in Seattle. It’s still the band’s [originality] – not just because they are from Seattle.”
Chris Gohde – Bass
“Sonic portraits.”
“In as much as we are from Seattle, yes.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s an oblique reference to the large body of water located west of First Avenue.”
Chris DeGarmo – Lead Guitar
Sedated Souls
“I’d describe our music as alternative, heavy, commercial and kind of gloomy. Even tho I play it, I don’t know how to describe it. I guess I would call it ‘feelings put to music’.”
Junior – Guitar
“I guess so, in a way and I guess in a way, no.”
Jeff Burns – Guitar
“I don’t know, I think the Seattle Sound [category] is a great thing, but I don’t think that since we live in a certain place that we have to play [a certain] kind of music to be successful.”
Junior – Guitar
Rhino Humpers
“Hip-hop, funk rock, groove.”
“We’re ’91 disco on drugs!”
Jeff Rouse –
Danny –
“No, because I think that the Seattle Sound is identified as grunge and we are not a grunge band.”
“The attitude is the sound and the sound is grunge.”
Brian Coloff –
Dirt Love Injection
“Love music straight from the dirt.”
“Grab the ball and beat your feet to the schizo-cosmic bittersweet and leave the driver in the back seat rock ‘n’ roll.”
Chris Selleck –
Don Carter –
“Yes, I consider us a Seattle band but I don’t know what the Seattle Sound is.”
“The attitude is what inspires the sound and the music from Seattle is motivated by emotion rather than teenyboppers’ allowances.”
Don Carter –
The Posies
“I don’t know. It’s funny, we always just say it’s rock and roll music, you know? Which is true because if there is one thing that all bands are sick of, it’s typecasting or being categorized or being compared to another band. But I suppose it’s inevitable ultimately. We always just say, ‘Just rock and roll’.”
“Sure, absolutely. As to what that means to somebody else, I may be totally wrong, but you know, in our vision, sure!”
“I don’t think the attitude amongst Seattle musicians really has anything to do with it or really ever did. That’s the funny part. But I guess everybody kind of inspired each other about the same time. All of a sudden there was this big flood of bands, new bands cropping up everywhere and I think everybody would agree now, that’s kind of over. That big rush that got all the hype around the world. So it’s funny now when people say the Seattle Sound, it’s like it’s just reaching some parts [globally]. It’s just not like it was or anything. I think it’s also just a term described in the press and especially to people outside of Seattle. You know, I never really thought there was like a Seattle Sound, but there certainly was one in the minds of journalists in other parts of the country who were looking for the heavy stuff and, I don’t know, that’s what it became obviously. No, there isn’t really a Seattle Sound at all. There is more of a reputation that I think just about every band would be sick of having to live up to. I know we certainly are.”
Rick Roberts – Bass
Pearl Jam
“What kind of music do we make? We make some good music. I don’t know, we make our own music. We make whatever all our combined influences make, and we make rock and roll I guess.”
“Well yeah, we’re from Seattle. Definitely.”
“I think it’s a little bit of both. The grunge factor of it is definitely prevalent, but there is also The Posies, who are totally pop sounding and great and what we are doing is definitely not grunge but it’s a Seattle Sound because we are from Seattle.”
Mike McCready – Lead Guitar
Ministry Of Love
“The kind of music we play is kind of art rock-based with very rich harmonic structures. No power chords, but a lot of stuff going on harmonically and arrangement-wise. It’s kind of a rock with a lot of fusion and psychedelic and classical influences thrown in.”
“With the Seattle Sound relating to grunge and SubPop and stuff like that; we are diametrically opposed to it. I think the Seattle Sound is changing actually.”
“I think it’s both. There is the attitude of ‘here we are and we’re just doing our own thing’, I also think the Seattle Sound is changing. And what it’s changing to is something that requires a little more attention from the listener’s perspective. I think it is changing to things that are more experimental in terms of dynamics. People that are not afraid to play quietly as well as playing loud. I think people are going to explore more, different kinds of ideas.”
Ken Sorenson – Lead Guitar
Sweet Water
“It’s hard ‘rawk’. I would say it’s rock but I would also say it’s got a lot of hooks in it. It’s meant to be a clean sound so that you can hear everything and it’s catchy. I don’t want to call it pop because we’re not aiming for that. But it’s like, when I hear a song I’d like to have something hook in my head. There’s a lot of bands out there who get these cheap kind of sayings, that just mean nothing. But when I’m writing lyrics I think I’m trying to go for something that sticks in your head but won’t be cheesy. You know what I mean? It’s a fine line.”
“I wouldn’t consider ourselves to be part of the Seattle Sound necessarily. When we started out, we used to be Shot Gun Mama. Now we got a new guitarist and he added a whole other dimension to the sound. He knows a lot about music and we sort of fell we’re playing what we’ve always wanted to play. At least what I’ve always wanted to play since high school. No, I wouldn’t consider us part of the Seattle Sound because, ‘what is the Seattle Sound?’ It’s just kind of like a SubPop, grungy, one riff played over and over again. It’s great live and everything but I don’t listen to that kind of music all the time. You know what I mean?”
- “I think the attitude is where it’s at because…definitely…every band in Seattle I’ve been around, it’s like everyone kind of helps each other out. Which I think is pretty rare for a city, you know what I mean? It’s still competitive, but in a good way. Everyone just tries to better themselves and you kind of feed off each other. There is a lot of things happening in Seattle and I feel the music is a little bit more real up here than in other places like L.A. or something,”
Adam Cziesler – Vocals
I think we’d all have to agree with that.
Thank you, musicians of Seattle.
All of you!
Bad Company & Damn Yankees at Seattle Center Coliseum
Precious Metal at Parkers
Posies, Bathtub Gin & Sweetwater at The Backstage
Aurora – On The Edge
Flesh Cafe – Demo
Bob Rivers – Industry Profile
Seattle Times Tempo Section: Word by Patrick McDonald
Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone
is remembered in an interview in the December issue of Rip Magazine. Conducted by writer Michael Browning, the interview took place last March 15, one day before Wood was found unconscious from a heroin overdose. He died four days later when taken off life support systems.
Wood is open about his drug problems, saying “I’m lucky to be sitting here.”He talks about getting out of rehab and insists he is clean. “I was a druggy until I went into treatment,” he says, “I’m not doing it anymore.” He’s upbeat and positive about MLB’s future.
A companion piece includes an interview with Xana La Fuente, Wood’s girrIfriend, who found him unconscious. “It’s really cool and weird, ’cause he wrote so much religious stuff in the weeks prior to his death,” she is quoted as saying. “All these songs about heaven and dying.” Incidentally, the same issue has articles on Queensryche and Alice in Chains.
Mother Love Bone at The OZ Nightclub [City Heat – June 1989]
After months of writing concert reviews for local mag “Rumors and Rags” which the editor repeatedly failed to publish, I took the big step and submitted this review to the coolest magazine on the Seattle music scene (OK, most Seattle hipsters had already saddled alternative press primacy on The Rocket, but I was fresh from Oregon and still fully enmeshed in my hair metal butt rock mentality).
So my Van Halen, David Lee Roth and Styx reviews never hit print, but my brain was already moving in a new direction. Seattle’s next wave was coalescing right under foot.
MAY 4, 1989
We stepped into the Oz just as Love Bone stormed the tiny stage with the first song from their EP, “Thru Fade Away”. Jeff’s bass intro filled the hall with as much power as any band who plays the Coliseum, and you can bet (your sweet ass) that these guys are arena-bound.
Looming larger than life, center stage was Dallas fan, Andrew Wood, sporting a Cowboy’s jersey and the ever present chartreuse green. Bruce and Stone both were looking unusual
with their hair gathered up in a top-side tail.
They broke into a set of material I presume will be on the album currently being recorded down in California. Included were ”Come Bite the Apple”, “China”, and the surreal rocker ”This Is Shangri-La”, which, by the way, is just a killer song-it’s still runnin’ thru my skull.
When they played KISW’s hit single “Half-Ass Monkey Boy”, the crowd really got into it and the slam-dancers up front opened the pit, keeping the numerous fine skirts there on the outskirts. To settle things down a bit, they countered with a personal favorite, “Crown of Thorns”. Landrew the Love Child then introduced “Capricorn Sister” as ‘the bonus track’ (like it appears on the tape). Rounding out the set were a couple more unreleased tunes ”Holy Roller” and ”Stardog”.
Then it was Queen’s “I’m in Love With My Car” for a well-received, glitzy encore. Tho they got loads of flash, they’re no flash in the pan, like Wood’s exiting words of wisdom, ”Love reigns Supreme!” As does Love Bone.
Watch for the LP later this summer, in the meantime, pick up Shine
and keep an eye out for Andy and the boys’ next local show. They are a must-see event!
Mother Love Bone are: Vocals; Andrew Wood, Guitars; Stone Gossard
and Bruce Fairweather, Bass; Jeff Ament, Percussion; Greg Gilmore.
# # #
At the OZ, I bought my first Seattle band shirt “Do What You Do” featuring the Shine EP cover art at the merch table. Wore that shirt out over the years (later, Ament gave me one of the “Air Love Bone” white long sleeves that became my absolute favorite shirt, alas, gone).
A few months later, I was so struck by Shine and the power coming from the scene (seeing Alice In Chains open for MLB both at The Central Tavern in Pioneer Square and down at The Satyricon in Portland) that when they played the big stage at Bumbershoot Labor Day weekend, I made a sign using the EP’s artwork and combining the titles of my favorite songs. In the following video you can see my orange painted “Chloe’s Crown” sign.
After I chucked it onstage Andy Wood picked it up and positioned it just before sitting down to the piano for the tracks. I was already deeply in love with the man and his message:
Love Rock awaits you people! Lo and behold.