5 Minute Writing Prompt: Outside My Window….
Outside my window lies my welcome mat and the rain falls on my doorstep. I waited for you. Where has the day gone?
I waited for you. And the cloth clings to my torn cuff where my button fell off.
I should have let the door close, not grabbed for it. I should have gone outside. Today I could have gone outside, but I stayed. I waited for you, so long. I can’t wait for you, no more. So long.
I won’t wait for you no more, you’re so wrong. I’ll walk down the lane, down the line. When it rains, I’ll go outside.
Outside my window. Not home-bound, not waiting for you. Not wondering to myself, “Where has the day gone?”
If I was younger, I’d be outside, running.
Best Boards
Just One Thing
If there was one thing about January I wish would last all year long, it’s the cold.
When everything has died, shrunken back to the nibs, that’s my favorite time of year. It holds all the promise.
Ice is water’s funnest form. Crystallized ice and snow.
What could be better than Maestro Emoto’s imaginarium of analog memory crystals reminiscing on the history of what they’ve experienced? Pure life, encapsulated, reflected and dispersed into the air as tiny fractals of that first freezing drop.
Don’t even prompt me on natural born snowflakes!
No, I’m not talking about the perplexingly, perpetually offended.
It’s those hexa-pointed fairies that fly about – then deposit into drifts – which enchant my fancy. I acclimate as they accumulate.
This whiter winter land is my etheric escape, my hue bleak vision of blanco blanketed perfection, colorless for as far as the eye can fathom. White out.
It’s right out. Let’s go play! Not tomorrow, today! Strap in and get ready to slide, it’s time to board, it’s time to ride!
I stand astride and smile at it’s logo of legend: Never Summer.
*Five minute Free Writing exercise with OKC Creative Writers & Muses
CAREGIVER Magazine Holidays 2019
Paisley Sin Demo from 1989 now on YouTube
Rawk on, hobbyists!
eBay Link:
Plant A Seed for Cannabis Education Tour kicks off in Colorado Springs @ Bookman, One Love & Studio A64
Published! The Medical Cannabis Recommendation by Dr. Regina Nelson
The accepted dissertation work of Regina Nelson, Ph.D.

The Medical Cannabis Recommendation: An Integral Exploration of Doctor-Patient Experiences by Dr. Regina Nelson
The study in it’s entirety follows; however, it reads like an intriguing non-fiction book rather than a boring academic work.
Nelson explores the narrative of doctors and patients as participants in medical cannabis programs across the U.S. and her study’s findings demonstrate oppressive and disturbing experiences are common for both parties.
After developing a strong case for research in this area, Nelson follows with an intense narrative breakdown of findings.Study participants articulately describe how the inter-objectified public and institutional policies (Lower Right Quadrant) affect the cultural (Lower Left Quadrant), relational (Upper Right Quadrant), and subjective consciousness (Upper Left Quadrant) are affected by their participation in medical cannabis programs.
Participant narrative highlights the many factors that contribute to the marginalization of a growing population of chronically and terminally ill American citizens and physician’s who support these alternative healthcare practices.
Findings will guide future research, educational initiatives, and assist with normalizing the use of cannabis.
Get it at the nonprofit site instead of Amazon, myeCSTherapy.org.
I was lucky to adapt some original pencil art into the cover image. I also edited and did the book design. Thank you, Doctor, and congratulations!
Open Letter to Humanity (Increasing Consciousness)
Breda 5-Song Demo (1990)
Might write more about this later, might not. This one goes out to Joe, in fact, this one is entirely owed to Joe. Find my full reviews of Breda and Fire Choir demo tapes in the 1990 book, up over there in the top right sidebar. Watch for a Fire Choir MP3 playlist here (featuring regular-ish member of Queensryche, Kelly Gray) in the weeks ahead.
For a true taste of late 80’s hair metal fame attempts from Seatown, I present in MP3 format, Breda (note that the E should have an accent above it). A Seattle band that is, by way of New York City (said with a Pace picante twang)!
Original TDK D60 cassette remains intact.