The Seattle Times Tempo: Word by Patrick McDonald

RIP Magazine’s June issue features Alice In Chains.

“Press Watch: The latest rock rag to hop on the Alice in Chains
bandwagon is RIP, which has a feature article on the hard-rocking Seattle group in its June issue.

The story, by Michael Browning, starts out with a report on the band’s jam session with Poison at a concert here in January – they did Kiss’ “I Wanna Rock and Roll All Nite” – and includes a band interview conducted at vocalist Layne Staley’s “comfy Lake Union residence.” Staley explains that some of the songs on the band’s “Facelift” LP were in- spired by personal experiences. For instance, he recounts that he was treating someone he loved “really badly” and “writing it down on paper and singing it was really therapeutic. Once I could sing it and get it out, that pattern stopped.” And it’s cheaper than a therapist. The story says the band will tour Europe with Megadeth before returning home for a national tour of its own.”

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About Michael Edward Browning

Upon moving from Portland, Oregon to Seattle in 1989, Michael immediately immersed himself in the local music scene. Within two years he had established himself, and City Heat: Seattle's Music Magazine, as a viable voice in the global spotlight that shone on the Emerald City in the early 90's. Here you'll find his past publishing (as well as current thoughts) as he prepares to publish Seattle's Music Scene Series. Already available at is the first title on Kindle format: 1990: Seattle's Music Scene Distorts As 80's Glam Goes 90's Grunge.